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Texas vs Oklahoma

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The Red River Shootout is this weekend, October 11. OU is the #1 team in the nation. They are going to lose. HOOK 'EM HORNS!!!

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the cow breathed fire... that was pretty awesome... i wish i had a cow that could breath fire... but anything other than that in this animation was pretty bad even for 2003, that and unless the wagon was carying TNT or some other friction igniting substance then it probably shouldnt have gone boom.


this is one of the best.

um that would be cedric benson

i have to punk soonerers out all day ok its cedric benson you may know him for breaking a school record hmm no? well Adrian peterson got how many yards hmm? oh thats right cedric wins there ok lets go to Tds hmm? oh cedirc goes there again and where was adrian in your orange bowl hmm?? he scored in ending and raised the score to 12 when you were losing 54 soo thats right atleast we win our bowl games lets go back to you (again) lsu and Usc um no you lost both years

Sooner Nation

hmm.....too bad Texas lost to OU for the past 2 years, otherwise this movie would have made alot more sense. Cedric who? oh, the GOOD back? that would be none other than Adrian Peterson. and where is A.D. from? Texas? so why did he pick the Sooners over the Longhorns? oh thats right, because he's SMART. GO SOONERS.



Credits & Info

2.41 / 5.00

Oct 5, 2003
2:55 PM EDT