It's alright. The animation lags a lot and it's not too funny., but it's good.
This is Episode 1 of an ongoing comic series on Halo... Hope you like it!
Please visit!
UPDATE - We've sorted out the sound lagging problem... Should run fine now ;)
It's alright. The animation lags a lot and it's not too funny., but it's good.
343GS how ya doin guys
343 guys I love your parodies man keep making them but on the subject of this one it wasnt bad but the graphics could have been better like your echo 419 one but oh well keep them up and Ill see you guys at your website when the server transport is done see ya there.
Another Red Vs. Blue Wannabee
right.... witht he exception of the Sound, the whole thing was another f'n Red Vs. Blue wanabee, even the main joke was just a lame extended version of the 1st few lines of RVB episode 1. Point being, this vid SUCKED.
Crap, sucks dont watch. spend time elsewhere, Like watching the numa dance! Half the time the heads arent even moving in unison, one will start talking and after the music starts playing, about ten seconds later the guy finnally puts his headphones on. SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT
It's two heads talking for like a minute. And worst of all they aren't talking about anything. The only semi-redeeming quality of this is the sound and only because I can actually hear, which I'm not sure if it's a blessing or a curse, But in short This sucks