Pretty cool
I was surprsed the sprites here had better quality and detail then the game itself! pretty funy video you could have a button for the people to press when there talking cause i really only could read like half of that good job!
This is my first real flash movie and i know it sucks but i only learned flash a week ago to when rating keep that in mind.
Pretty cool
I was surprsed the sprites here had better quality and detail then the game itself! pretty funy video you could have a button for the people to press when there talking cause i really only could read like half of that good job!
it's an ok sprite movie movie
nothing new
Good job
Good job for your first movie but wered u get the sprites???? go there to get sprite sheets
This was pretty good!
This movie is very good to beign the first movie! all my movies have been blammed but my new submission (under development) is going to kick as.. (i hope)
thxs. I will be looking out for ur movie spindelN hope it does kick ass.
that was kinda funny
well it was ok but I thought link always holds the triforce of courge?
Guess you didn't play link to the past eh red-wizard? thanks for the okay review. ^^