addictive and fun
I am a fairly dedicated clock fan as far as some things are concerned but im willing to admit to a fun game when it comes along. doesn't seem that bad ether when compared to other games bashing clocks. Also, i think i have finally figured out for myself why the clocks stir up such strong emotions. newgrounds is a big site. a huge site. with its own social standards and sub-cultures. flash rises and falls like a tide as they come on and off the public radar. and like all large sub-cultures, it begins to develop similar traits. in the clocks (and some other genres), racism, or bigotry to be more accurate. let me explain this a little more in depth. how most racism begins is that a lower class like the poor white community in society will usually take out it's aggression on a group that they feel superior to for what ever reason like the black community. this is shown on newgrounds through the clocks. bad animators or people who simply can't do any flash at all will compare themselves to the clocks and say that they are at least better then them. whether this is true or not is to be disputed but the basic nature is still there. of course the feeling towards them run both ways and some people absolutly love them. this like many others is a person adopting a culture in favor of the one they live. these are the knock-off clocks or compleatly and utterly obsesed fans that will give anything a 5 with SBC's face slapped on it (I KNOW YOUR OUT THERE!). as a summerary the feelings for the clocks are based on a primal emotion that exists in all cultures and it is understandable when it occurs on such a huge site as new-grounds.
anyway, sorry for wasteing anyone's time who wanted an actual review but i find these as a good outlet for my feelings on issues.
good game. strange clock is the best. the end.