......this was stupid
***Turn Up Your Speakers*** ... a little bit...
Hey, Todd here. I made this movie about a friend of mine. Some things are suppose to look like dumb things like in one frame his mouth isnt near his face. Please Vote fairly. Thanks for watching.
Oh, and check out www.bloodworkstudios.com Mike and I worked damn hard on it. (Mikes got ninja programming skillz) w00t!
......this was stupid
Odio los jodidos relojes... Me parecen estupideces de una panda de mafiosos... el tipico simbolo "cool" para que sigan las masas sin cerebro que se creen diferentes...
((( UM OK )))
Well it was ok, but it was not original, it needed more pazazz, and the clocks just dont have that, well not anymore anyways, good choice of music was great, the animation itself was ok, just the whole idea kinda didnt go to well...
Fuck the clock crew
Nice flash, but Clocks do suck. Really, they do. Get real voices.
Long Live the Clock Crew!
They are the big hits of Newgrounds!
Everybody will enjow the Clock Crew, eventually!