I was fooled!
I thought the yellow stuff was real pee! Well, for that trickery, you get a decent vote, despite the lack of a background.
short got a bear
I was fooled!
I thought the yellow stuff was real pee! Well, for that trickery, you get a decent vote, despite the lack of a background.
What happened? It has great art work, BUT it is so pointless it makes me ask if it was worth the download and time out of my life.......Sorry. BLAM!
constructive critisisim but a blam come on?
great artwork, but if you dont have any good idea, then your artwork is pointless. oh and btw, i dont see why this is turd of the week.........
the art was much too good to be turd.
for a movie it was pretty shitty... but for a turd of the week it wasn't that bad...
Not that bad...
Infact... I like it!
Thank you