the guy before me said that it wasint good but I think that if work on more it can have great potenchel.
pongo kinda figures fight..
inspiration from solid sticks 4
the guy before me said that it wasint good but I think that if work on more it can have great potenchel.
UUmm.... WTF.
I DOn'T geT IT. I COuldn'T SeE AnyTHIng. And i coUlDN'T HeaR AnyTHINg. What THe F#$& HAppEned, SrY but NoT GOOd.
I didn't like it
I just didnt't
Rip off
You ripped that off from Solid sticks im sorry to say but i know you can do better next time good luck
Well, that was, um, I guess a little interesting. I mean, I know it takes alot of work to make anything like that, so yeah. keep working on your animations (liked the wiggling effect).