Mmm... yes...
well the music in the backround was funny??
New Series, doesn't run good on slow computers. So yah, don't blame it on me. Computers fault if it's slow. The title will be explained in the future.
If you have a slow computer or it's lookin lke it's running 24 frames per second. Save target as, and watch it off your computer. Much better quality.
Mmm... yes...
well the music in the backround was funny??
Hillbilly banjo music will scare
I liked it. I have aways like aliens. Good job make more
That was pretty cool. Nice preview. I liked it. Though, the graphics could be a bit better. Excellent work. Keep it up! Cant wait for the real thing.
Not bad for a preview.....
A little spit and polish, and it could turn out to be a great series. On and off humor, but like I said in the summary, not bad for a preview...
Well. . . first of all it wasn't a preview. It was the prolouge, meaning a little opening for the series. This is it's one and it's own, just telling where the alien came from and all that gay stuff. Second. . I was very disapointed when I put the cartoon on newgrounds it ran a lot slower then when ran straight off the computer. I'll try to fix this problem.
That was awesome, fucking hilarious
Nice animation, the music was a bit odd but sorta fitted into this flash, some of the scenes was funny, like the ET part.