if that's crazed, i'll have to check out my brain..
A montage of uncompleted works!
(If movie and sound goes out of sync, right click, push play then push it again)
if that's crazed, i'll have to check out my brain..
Yeah sure it was all sketchy and nothing really made sense because it was all bits and pieces of shit you havent finished, but fuck man, some of that stuff was mad. he question that comes to mind is why was it unfinished? Whatever the reason, I think it was a really good idea to put them all together and display them on NG. The only bad thing is, if you show them like this, does that mean that you wont finish them? I think that would be a really, really good idea. Do it.
What the hell was that
What the hell was that, who cares! 10!
Well this movie had a intresting storyline. The sound would not work well. Still this had some pretty cool robots and animations
Weird, but strangely good
I thought this was weird as shit, but somehow I'm attracted to it....