I congrats you onthe effort but not for me.
This was a bit disjointed for me.
This is for all of those that need to be spoon fed.The scenary of this cartoon is inside of a little boy's ear.The main character is eerie(guess what he is?)I kept the plot simple since the idea is enough to confuse most people... i have some real sick stuff on the way-PHFX
I congrats you onthe effort but not for me.
This was a bit disjointed for me.
Well the music was ok but the whole thing was kinda weird but way to be original.
What just happened... i really dont get what was happening though out the whole thing... but it wasn't bad, better than crappy stick figure movies.
very strange movie, dont expect a sudden attack of a plot while watching it its like this the whole way through... but still odd enough to be amusing in a rather strange and random way.
all in all i thought it was worth the time to watch it but if your expecting a realy deep and meaningfull story then this isnt for you.... but should you want to give your brain a few mins rest then watch away
Were u on drugs wen u made this?
Its cool but wot is goin on???