08:45:42-08:53:41 nkkakknknkaaugh. nkknknkaaw. nkkaknkkoo. awughh. aknkwnkkewhh. awh. eh. eww. augh. blaugh. ngk. blgk. ahh. 's good. such wise words
Clear your schedule! This one's almost 12 minutes long! I wanted to take all the energy I put into RAB4's silly interactivity extravaganza and pour it into one bullshit-long, straight-ahead episode. And here it is, still steaming from my hot colonic oven!
www.CafePress.com/animalbabies awaits! I'm having fun making all this stupid fucking shit for you. I hope you enjoy watching it! As always, thanks for your support. Donkey, Cat, Puppy, Bunny, and Hamster all love you.
08:45:42-08:53:41 nkkakknknkaaugh. nkknknkaaw. nkkaknkkoo. awughh. aknkwnkkewhh. awh. eh. eww. augh. blaugh. ngk. blgk. ahh. 's good. such wise words
pass the dutchie on the left hand side
this is where the website peaked
This is fucking hilarious