good job , that was a great movie and so you get a great score
Well, I finally finished part 2 of the story :P BAFA helped me alot with technical stuff, support and pretty backgrounds. Well, enjoy/hate/spam my e-mail inbox with death threats, what ever you want to do. : ) And I made the movie hella smaller, for a small detraction from sound quality. ^_^
good job , that was a great movie and so you get a great score
All my cookies r belong to teh Clock Crew!
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!! That last background was SOOOOOO good!! I have never seen such a beutifull price of cra... work! My, my, my, (Me & My?) what a great movie.
"You two" guys are just incredible! The storyline, the humor, the text to speech voices, and the BACKGROUNDS! Omg, can i have a jpg of the last background, please?! Please, please, please, please, please!!!
You rule SO much!!!!!!!!1111
... ... ok, ill shut up now...
"Don't blam it, dammit!"
This was a very good Clock-movie!
Very funny! You did a good job, guys.
Stealth is Fun!
VERY funny, one of the GOOD Clock Crew movies. Superb. (When's Part 3 coming?)