rvb rules oh is this a real game blaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrggggg l my score is so weird i meen look all but overall is 10 and overall is 0 oh ya is was ok
Well..yoshidude made a review..and i decided to make it real..i know its not a game but its kinda lol...well enjoy...and read everything << >>...also crappy way to "finish off" onslaught and also i refer as one zero as a virus note not ripping the idea from the series(a virus called zero)now that i had said that enjoy !!(*sigh* i have no life)
rvb rules oh is this a real game blaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrggggg l my score is so weird i meen look all but overall is 10 and overall is 0 oh ya is was ok
Take some Pride in your work, in the time that you made this you could of been planning an entirley better movie than this one ;P
I'm amazed someone listen to me but anyway, Its obvious it didn't take you to long to make this so I think you should put more effort into a few areas, like just using the arrow keys makes more sense like you did at the end, you should put the effort into making it more fluent and consider adding a button to more text forward so people can read at their own speed. I think for the time it took you did fairly good and finally you should include more music. Looking forward to your next submission :D.
Very very boring
That game / movie was so boring... I detest having to read 1000's of lines of text with a reapeating musical score in the background. Try making a game out of that "hit a letter as soon as it appears " thing .. you could do well.
C'mon man
Okay I liked Spawn Cus Spawn rocks but dude...weak