In da mixx^.^
It's like Archies sing All Your Saturday Night Are Belong To Us.
A loooong time ago I submitted a movie that was only about two frames long and really sucky. However, I have changed my ways...
So, here's a neat music video of "Saturday Night" by the Bay City Rollers. w007 lol hah
-ps-Sorry, no preloader.
In da mixx^.^
It's like Archies sing All Your Saturday Night Are Belong To Us.
i liked the song...a preloader would be good if you want to improve your score though.
Ps. It would be great if sombody did a movie for weezer.
its bad enough i've been singing that song to myself all the time because im a weirdo, but now i get to hear it in a flash, and further implant it into my mind...i like it
((( LOL )))
Well it wa funny, the song kinda stayed with me, the animation kinda went well with the music, just the right animation that is, it was funny and silly, just the way i like em, keep up the decent work...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: Sill and music goes well with animations...
The Bay City Rollers:the pride of Scotland!
Not too bad,I enjoyed the song of course and the random imagery was interesting,not much else to say.