this was much better than the first part, cant wait untill its finished :)
I am creating another Too Many Mario's with more characters, an extra appearance by pixelated clocks and a few easter eggs too. hope you enjoy what you see!
this was much better than the first part, cant wait untill its finished :)
just great
iv watched all ur stuff man and ur great keep it up i love ur toons i hope to see more in the near future! good job
((( KINDA NEAT )))
Hey that was cool, kinda neat, i did think it was very short it could have gone on, maybe even shown how many people just make mario movies more then other types, hehe anyways good little video...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: A cute mario thing...
thanx dud i need all the support i can get
mario sprites are startin to get really... really... OLD now, ol dude has a point about the fonts and stuff... you really shouldn't use a metallica font showing off another band, they might sue you, haha
well when i last looked, there wasn't a tool font, i wud have used that and i think that it looks cool!
Ummm.. what?
What the heck? I know its a preview.. but whats it about? Mario's evil twin? Thats Wario man.. are you going to pull a Mario/Matrix? because thats been done.. whats the deal with mario anyways? Pick someone else thats cool! That plumber is getting so played out.
its not a mario matrix, its meant to be kinda emotinal type thing. mario and the pink one have a grudge which will be explained in the full movie.