Simply "B"
omgz0rz this r l33tz0rz "B" my friend "B"
VOTE "5"
Revenge of B: Part 1 - "Training"
This is probably my true masterpiece... two weeks of hard work on this flash, and it paid off. I am very very proud, I feel like I just won the spelling bee or something. Anyhow, I hope you all enjoy this just as much as I enjoyed making it! This is Part 1 of a new epic about the clocks, who will soon be engaged in a war of their lifetime against their most hostile enemies. However, King Strawberry Clock has awakened the almighty B once more, but can it be enough to stop the evil? In this first part, a sort of "preview", it shows the main hallway of the Clock Headquarters, and a cool, quick fight with Strawberry and Rasberry Clock, and a choice to who will win. Very nice indeed! Sorry, no bonus features this time. Well, enjoy the film, and I hope you will like it! If I do well, I will work even harder on the next part.
- BlueCherryClock (beanies520)
Simply "B"
omgz0rz this r l33tz0rz "B" my friend "B"
VOTE "5"
Indeed B. VOTE FIFEN HAHAHA! Thanks for stoppin by to write.
That sucked. For a Clock animation that was the shittiest!
wuz nice flash indeeeeeeedddddd
yeah it wuz nice thus B revengei would have expectedthe true be agaisnt his mortal enemy or wuteva but still nice work yepyep especially when rasberry grows n sbc like wtf? yeah i laughed at that one nice work guy
Hey thanks! Yeah everyone laughs at that little awkward silence and the sudden "WTF" heh. Thanks again
Nice movie!
I liked this movie! Soon I'll watch the second part!
Heh thank you
Cool, dude
Pretty nice fighting scene. I like when RaspberryClock grows and Starwberry says, "What the fuck?" It was so funny because it was just so suttle and quiet how he says it!! Lol very funny and very nice fighting scene!
Thanks a lot my friend! Yeah I made it so there was a pause and then Strawberry realizes he is SCREWED. LOL thanks again, watch part 2 if you havent yet... :)