That Was Random ant pointless...... yet somehow i enjoyed it.... how odd
so i gess good job On the Random Killing
something i whipped up. This is just a small preview of soething bigger. if i get nicey reviews i might just upload the whole shit. who knows? not even me coz its so goddam secret...
hey, for those of u who aint too daft, check out my other submissions: morgen!!! the pussycat...
That Was Random ant pointless...... yet somehow i enjoyed it.... how odd
so i gess good job On the Random Killing
a little confusing but cool.
Not bad.
Not Bad.
Some people appear... and they get shot and stabbed, nicely done.
It strangely looks like Alien Hominid for some unknown reason.
try again
you fail!
That was pretty good...
just work on the animation and you'll have a masterpiece.