what is this hatred towards canada?! a big majority of NG users are canadian. How is our country shit? You have no basis or anything for your views of our country, have you ever been here or have you only seen pictures. You certainly are closed minded with those views. Just trying to get attention maybe? Those comments are definatly crossing the line, how would u feel if someone made comments like that about the states? I dont like them and i am willing to bet ALOT of canadian users here dont like them ether.
"Adrian Zalewski's response:
to start off I gotta say, CANADA SUCKS!! Its a peace of shit country, nothing good comes out of it. All it is, is a frozen peace of shit, (mostly) I wana see u make a flash movie anyway, that'll b sad, but for all I gotta say, u canadains SUCK, go stick a maple leafe up ur ass."
Nothing good? Great beer, Hockey, the video game Splinter Cell (and soon Splinter Cell 2) Mike Myers, Jim Carrey and alot of other GREAT artists
"Adrian Zalewski's Response:
Canadian? FUCK CANADA, but thanks for the 9 and I'm glad that you liked it. Wait for the rest to be made."
Fuck canada, i see NO need for this
Now aside from the needless country bashing, You have good drawing and animation style, this movie was bloody and had alot of style in it. The music fit perfectly and all in all it was good.