Very Funny Man They Deserves Atleast A 8/10.
See Saddam get extracted, and choose his destiny! This is one of my beginning works, I know it's not the best animation ever, but I think it's decent. Thanks!
Be sure and visit for many other cool things like this.
I fixed the eskimo bob walrus button and i just noticed some of the music is missing, i'll have to fix that. But in the meantime, enjoy.
Very Funny Man They Deserves Atleast A 8/10.
Walrus and the bil gates
they were funny as hell
that bitch got owned
yes he did and his hideout is gay :D
Must read
Its,ok, I liked it, oh, the warlrus button dont work.....But it will if you right click on it and selected play!!! :D
its ok
the death by music ending was sorta funny
death by anthrax woulda been kooler if instead you had him puke his guts out
and the walrus button is still broken
the music at the end sounded like the intro to a certain metallica song if that was your intention then thats pretty kool too.