very funny
and here i thought he had big balls
Please wathch the whole movie before voting, I know the story is a bit depressing, but the end is sure to put a smile on your face. Also, this is my first flash cartoon ever, I've had the program for almost a month. If this does good, I'll make more.
very funny
and here i thought he had big balls
i like the end
That will teach em
oh... emm... geee... RAAAPEPPPEEEEEE
this movie is sooo 1337
how dpo u come up with such clever jokes arv?? omg im peeing my pants its soo
well cya at le schools ;)
lol sry i was on newgrounds and felt i had to post this
lolz! damn thats hurtin!! cheered me up nicely thought daamn poor dude, I feel for anyone who has no nads.
Is english your second language?
OK, that was a funny story/joke/whatever, but it just irks me to no end the lack of basic english comprehension on the internet as of late. It's "Allowed" not "aloud"!!! mabye it was announced "aloud", but he was "allowed"!! And remember the rule, "ooooooh, if you want it to be a possesive, it's just its, but if you want it to be a contraction, it's it-apostrophe-s.....scalawag"
yeah, english is my second language. Thanks for asking. I'm sorry that I've irked you. If I knew you would have been irked I would have thought twice about submitting this before proofreading it. But you didn't have to call me a scalawag. I guess I'm not as cool as you. Maybe if I learn to spell as well as you, i will be more popular. Do you think so?