The USA is NOT A christian country, stop lying!
Civics 101, there is a such thing as the 1st amendment, the separation of church and State.
Just because the majority claim to be chirstian, does not make the US a christian country.
Places that have an established religion tend to be intolerant of other religions, even of other sects.
This country was not founded on one religion, as some liars will try to say, but to freely practice religion, or not, without the government stepping in and telling people what/whom to worship.
The only way to have a nation that is suitable for the many, many religious groups out there is for the government to take a neutral stance, i.e. no publicly (taxpayer) funded religious icons/displays/services/etc.
People need to stop being intolerant bigots and realize that other religions do not necessarily appreciate having other religious items crammed down their throats.