when i was reading the story line i felt like i was the guy why does all the movie commercials
the vortex is coming
when i was reading the story line i felt like i was the guy why does all the movie commercials
Not bad at all.
Impressive use of flash effects, I rather liked it. Some more work needed though, it's a nice show off of your abilities, but some plot or something would do this a great service.
From the text at the beginning, it looked like it was going to have a plot, but then it just stopped. :(
Oh well, keep up the good work!
- Kat
it was good until...
it was going sweet: the song was good the graphics weawesome but then the music stopped and the ship started entering the thing again and agiain still GJ!.
very good preview
cnt wait to see what this wil be about it does sound good and seems to be an original idea, and even a plot which are few and far between in flash movies.
Like the guy before me said..
Pretty good preview. The concept was fresh, new, and was presented with anticipation. An original approach; - it made you think, and any flash that has that reflective effect upon an individual will serve as great entertainment. But the animation frame sequences were a bit slow - i had to set the flash quality to low.. but maybe it was probably my crappy 300 mhz. *grumbles*
I look forward to your proper flash presentation; - good work, and good luck