Another great movie of "Ways to get blammed" haha that was as funny as the first, but the first was definitly the best! It was much more funny ^_^ hehe!
***** - Excellent!
Well, im already finshed with part 2. Thats right, MORE Easy Ways to Get Blammed on Newgrounds. Part 2. The Sequal. This time, its personal. I like the first one better but i will let you be the judge.
Another great movie of "Ways to get blammed" haha that was as funny as the first, but the first was definitly the best! It was much more funny ^_^ hehe!
***** - Excellent!
not as good as the origanal
i think you should have new music and maybe a character like, i dunno mr blammer or sum shit like that that dose demos like exaple one, and it would suck and them he say example 2 and it would be good i dunno just more talking more music
((( SHORT )))
Very short, but it does point out some, i dont know if a non working replay button would get a blam though, but nice try anyways...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: Almost like a tutorial...
meh (quoted from the simpsons)
not as good as part one.
but we do have a problem with peopl who send in unfinished wor
o thank you for sparing us that pain
great movie, should be on the ng collections page thingy (http://www.newgrounds.com/collections/portal.html)