very, very good selection of music you have made!!!
This is nothing but an entrance to a flash based rabbit hole and you are the subliminal concience that eats at my mind, driving me deeper into the hole or deeper into madness.
very, very good selection of music you have made!!!
Alright work good music used
gandhi+bum+hell = ???
= TOTAL was too short..really meaningless..why were there two different guys..why was one in hell?..and..why was there a random handgun in the desert??..anyways..that your Eeyore thing
Yo sup
Listen, if i had to watch da flash i would only do it again cuz of da music, it was da only thing i liked.Plus, he was almost naked, starving, thirsty and he HAD A GUN?? i mean WTF?? ^^ well more comments
Decisive Factor
Well what would I do in a situation like that? I tewll you i wouldn't want to starve a slow painfull death, but then again, what are the odds of finding a Glock in the desert. Shit maybe there was a military base close by, poor bastard. Love the music, Love the animation, like your style. Rock on.