Good stuff. Nice story, indeed it was a crisis because, I mean, who wants more StrawberryClocks? Anyways this was funny.
Nov. 09 2003
.:Movie Commentary:.
I made this movie a long time ago, when i first started flash. it sucks.
Good stuff. Nice story, indeed it was a crisis because, I mean, who wants more StrawberryClocks? Anyways this was funny.
I don't know who is the real mackoy!
If I didn't know better, too much SBC movies could clone more.
i THINK i know which one is REAL one. smelly smelly smelly. am i right?
The last 10 seconds are the best!
Woo! I laughed so hard when this happened:
"Can I drive?
"Oh my gosh you guys! I found a cookie!"
All you have to do is fix the play button. And I think the triangle thing when the clocks talk is supposed to be the base part closest to the head, not the pointy part.
i know all of that now. and thats just the way i liked doing things. im glad you liked it tho! <this movie is old :\>
nicee...pritty u ought make another one with them trying to figure out who is who