Much better than the first! Huge improvement, good job.
Revised(-R) Froggie Goes for a walk. I don't know why this gets a lower rating than the original. Could someone tell me why and email me about it?
Much better than the first! Huge improvement, good job.
Needs more
This was ok but could use more effort more detail i liked it but still needs abit more on this.
Needs more
it was alright, you ask in your authors comments why this gets a lower score than the first one, it's beacuse it's a remake, you should get better from animation to animation, but if you just remake the same animation, people tend to get irked by that and tend to vote lower as a result.
Somewhat better
Well, except for the half that was exactly the same, it wasn't too bad. The music was pretty cool, and went along with the flash well enough. The roadkill for the duck looks a lot better in this flash, since it's not a white puff this time. The rabbit killing and person killign helped out a bit, though the janitor was kinda odd. Better than the first, but it was still a rather basic flash, nothing was great about it, but nothing was bad either.
More stupid than the first but better
This was definitly better than the first as there was more to it and the animals remains after they were run over looked better but was more stupid as a ridiculous amount of animals and people got killed, better than the original but still crap.