The second part of the "Mario gets old" series involves Luigi who desperately tries to be Nintendos new main character after his brother died. But will it be as easy as he hopes?
Interesting Notes:
- Part 2 and 3 of the series where originally part 2. I had a very old PC back then so I was afraid my computer couldn't handle such a big flash file. So I had the genius idea to split the cartoon in separate parts and copy/paste them in the final flash.
Unfortunately this turned out to be quite a frustrating moment, because back then I didn't know about the library and symbol names.
So long story short, half of the cartoon got overwritten by the other flash content and so I was forced to make the second half of part 2 the official third part of the series.
Better than the first
You're getting there!!
liked that the lightning ressurected Mario...
That is cool man
is good but ..... this need more
i liked
i thought it was funny after his bros was dead he went to make and sign a contract for a lugia only game