text takes way too long to change and it quickly gets boring
Sakiria episode 15, want to see more of them? check out the website link,
text takes way too long to change and it quickly gets boring
the text takes WAY too long to change and the movie makes no sense to me
I'll be nice a give you a 5 but, your cartoon doesn't load it just stays on that one frame when some chick named Cathi is floating and says "So You've Taken A Different Path"
The Deep Hurting
I have to agree with the last reviewer. This is a big fat bucket load of suck. I can't even decide what hurt me more, the fucking obnoxious music, or the downs syndrome inspired dialogue. If you were trying to recreate a big insipid piece of indescribable shit--you did a great job. The only reason I gave you a 1 overall was because you seem to have spent some time on the drawings...
Learn how to write a fucking sentence.
Dis iz da suxxor
Characters didn't look too bad but the background made me just think "this person cant be arsed drawing a background". Sometimes people go for a rough looking background for the feel of the movies, it didn't like this was one of those times.
Sound got repetative. Story was transparent. The dialogue from Claire just seemed inappropriate for the context of the movie. When they said "I will end your existance" I wanted them to end mine as well and put me out of my misery so I didn't have to watch the rest of the movie.