Went to see this as soon as I finished watching your tetris demo. Not quite as good, but hey, This is an earlier flash, right?! Great job dude.
Here is a funny cartoon about why you should respect man's best friend...
Went to see this as soon as I finished watching your tetris demo. Not quite as good, but hey, This is an earlier flash, right?! Great job dude.
ya man i agree, my tetris movie wasnt all that good, but im glad u liked this one. Man I crack myself up every time I watch my movie lol
well that was a fucking piece of shit i mean wtf stick ppl!?!? and wtf is wrong with the voices!?!?! then theres the whle dog i mean the legs r so fucked up i mean it was a fucking POS never make flash movies again!!!
never make flash movies again! thats a little harsh you fucking moron. Notice how the majority of the reviews are positive. Yes, i do agree I need to work on the animation but look at you! you never even submitted a single movie. God, I feel sorry for your parents that have to put up with your bitching!
...dan u never did show me that one but i have to say it was good but could have been better with the movement of the dogs legs and with the sound but other than that it was good, good job.
Yeah,it was funny allright!Funny as hell!This was great!Keep up the great work,your pretty good at animating.
Good Animation
This animation is GREAT. The creator should be given an oscar!!! I laupghed so hard i SH*T myself!!