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This is a small hangman-ish game that I made for an assignment. It was made as part of a larger drug awareness website. Sorry for largeish filesize ,I did the animation frame by frame so it got a bit big. Only the questions relating to alcohol are unlocked in the movie.

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hangman game. But really should show

Played through once, started again automatically, then I quit it.

------ As already mentioned the game REALLY should show the answers after/if you get them wrong.

--- It'd be nice if the underscores were slightly seperated so we could actually see how many letters were left.

+++ The idea of trying to save the druggy is a good one.

+++ The questions seem good.

+++ The whole game works pretty well. I mean letters disappear, the whole coding works basically with no errors.

++ Nice music.

Interesting variant on the hangman game. But really should show the answers after.

i did not like it

i only know a few of the question i liket when he died though


it was ok, gets a bit anoying after awhile but still an alright game. The dude slowly killing himself is pretty good, good idea.

Very informative

It was educational but it really didn't bring anything new to the table and the questionsanswers weren't later displayed or anything but good thinking material!


It was fun, even though I usually killed the guy. One thing though, can you add different subjects other than alcohol?

Credits & Info

3.17 / 5.00

Aug 4, 2003
2:50 AM EDT