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VG Warz ep.4

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I rushed this one,well because I lost idea's.Maybe ep.5 will have something better.Also I had no music to suit this one so there ya go.I won't even be suprised if this get's a 1.87 or blammed.But I tried.

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wtf went wrong?

wtf? what the fuck happend? Why the hell did you bring a cartoon character in to this? Where are you taking this story? never mind what i said about you oneday becoming a top sprite artist because you can't even keep a frieken story line down! What is wrong with you?

AgentKirbyPuff responds:

Heh, sorry about that. I made this a really long time ago, and back then I just couldn't keep a decent story going, which is why this one is so messed up. I worked on it for a bit, got bored, and ran out of Ideas for what to do next. I kinda quit flash after this one since it was time consuming (Fun at times though) and I simply didn't know what to do next anymore. Sorry for the disappointment, but thanks for at least watching it. I saw your other reviews so, yeah it went downhill here.



What is this, huh??

You shouldn't make a series, unless you now how all the episodes are gonna be like!
It started off, as a very promissing series...
But now it's just... well, not good!
You have to stick with one storyline all the way through!!!!

No story.

The drawings weren't very good. The story was bad, it went from the fighter losing his computter, to ed (which ever one), jumping off a building into Proto Man holding up Pac Man. You need to think of a better story. And add some background music.

AgentKirbyPuff responds:

Well,sorry for the length of the movie but I ran out of idea's and when that happens....well its not good...also I couldnt find any music to fit this so that was out of the question.

ahh.. old times

This is kinda funny tho. but i think it needs some more actions and sound. and you can oout in a really cool vg background nad BANG... you have your movie in the vg selction


i suppose that was pretty good. but something that would make it alot better would to have more sound, without sound it just seemed weak because nothing was happening from time to time. so really your only downfall was to have more sound and just maybe make it longer

Credits & Info

3.83 / 5.00

Aug 3, 2003
9:25 AM EDT