loved it
still love this one the best.
Well, the word gizzen is an old english word not used anymore. It is a verb that means "to grin audibly." Now, after pondering a few hours before my birthday party about what the hell that meant. It finally hit all five of us, as we drifted off into drunkeness, and we were gizzening all night.
So, here it is after over a year in the making...a recorded flash peice that is based on the true story. The whole thing is almost all inside jokes so if you don't like it, you can piss off! Just make sure to check out all the buttons. You should watch Bryan's scene last because the credits begin right after. Also, I hold no copyrights, affiliations, or anything to the songs I used without permission, but hey, what fun would it be if we obeyed the law?! Enjoy.
loved it
still love this one the best.
not bad
it was ok, not my type, but it was alright to watch.
--some internet fuck
it was ok..................................... and pointless
Nice graphics, but it was pretty pointless.