Good Beginning.
Good graphics and sound. It will make a good series.I like the NO FACE soldiers,good draw!
I designed this :) and thats why its going to suck :)) . Good luck and low fps.
Good Beginning.
Good graphics and sound. It will make a good series.I like the NO FACE soldiers,good draw!
Nice nice......
I was hoping it would be longer but it was pretty damn good. I liked the fight scene and the cliff hanger didn't piss me off, but I want to see the next one for sure. Keep making them and I will keep watching them.
Well, let me start off by saying this is a lot better than your other animation, graphics, plot, etc. A litte slow and witout music at times, but still pretty good!
Awsome, but...
That movie was awsome but it could have used some sound effects for the bombings and shooting. The music coulda been better too! The FPS (Frames Per Second) needed to be set higher because at some parts the movie looked like it was moving slowly. Just a thought, other than that its awsome. Great combo of 3D & 2D, nice drawing skills, and great idea! Can't wait to see what happens next!
That was amazing! Very well done!
Your style is unothadox, I'll admit, but it is very unique. I am certainly glad to see something this good up on Newgrounds. Your combination of 3D and 2D art as well as your backgrounds come together and form a rather successful piece. This isn't so much Flash as it is Art. Beautifuly Crafted! You've earned this 4!