its ok
its ok needs soe work
yeah so after about a YEAR i realized i might have some reviews... so i read them, the WHOLE 20! and i got some good suggestions so thanks whoever you are
its ok
its ok needs soe work
That was good!
Dont listen what others say! That was good........Be proud of what you do!
Waste of time
Wow, pointless
that was absolute bollocks
for one thing, a sword has to be really sharp before it cuts the suit in half and second, only one way samus could have healed and doubled is with the x parasite and why the fuck are her shots spheres? there just balls on paint!
First things first, Samus is an inter galactic space bounty hunter with more arsenal than a tank! Sorry, but you coulda put more action than that in this flash. SAMUS RULZZZ!