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Clay clock

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Author Comments

all the pathetic morons that say this has no plot obviously cant grasp an artistic view in life....this isnt suppoused to have a plot....its suppoused to boggle the mind.

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Horrible...Just truly horrible...I didn't exactly know what i was going to get when i typed in Clay Clock in the search bar, but I truly did not think I was going to get something as bad as this. I first felt the sound was going to be the only thing good, but it kept on going, repeating itself, again and again and again and again. The animation was horrible, just truly bad. I recommend to just...not watch this. It will hurt your ears and eyes. It has nothing to do with anything, but it's title. Yes, a clay clock forms, and flys away...I suggest for the author to make a video with something actually going on, and to please practice with making claymations before posting something up.

What the crap was that?

What's the best way to tell you that this sucks...hmmm.... I'll try a list this time:
- You could see the wire
- You repeated most scenes with a big white blank between the repeats
- the song was annoying.
- the animations were choppy
- the whole just looked messy
Shall I go on?

It's just plain, uninteresting crap

I hate it when some clown thinks he's "artistic" and makes or does some pointless crap, and claims it means something. Trust me bucko, this aint' some fucking Mona-Lisa you just made, you took a clay figure, moved it around, filmed it, and claimed it's supposed to make me think. Well, here's a thought: Fuck that shit, go do something that is at least somehow entertaining or intelligent. This just bores me to high hell.

Complete and utter shite!

Questionable direction, and completely devoid of all meaning. Art for arts sake... get your head out of your arse.

TomatoClock responds:


but thanks for trying :)



i have a pongoclock too...

Credits & Info

2.79 / 5.00

Jul 13, 2003
5:08 PM EDT