Flash Problem
The flash is a bit out of sync.
This is a skit I recorded to send to radio and tv stations along with a show proposal and had wanted to animate it so I could send an enhanced cd out. I hope it is liked among the portal. It is my first animation ever.
I totally f'n rock!!!
Flash Problem
The flash is a bit out of sync.
Yeah, I knnow queen. This was the first thing i ever animated. I was basically working on my audio. But I stepped my animation skills up alot of my next ones. I need to work on some new stuff. It's a long, sad story why I haven't in a while, so I won't bore you with it. Thanks for the review. =)
This is my new favorite flash. Plus, It's catchy!
Awesome! I'm glad it's still getting checked out. =D
nice u rule!!
u rule man you should be number 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
are you goin to make more flashs? cause i really wanna c them.
Thank you so much. The audio on this still makes me laugh.
well u know who i am...
but tht isnt the point lol im ratin ur flash not u but it rocks anyway like u lol
Thanks, bruddah!
I licked it!!!
oops, I meant I likes it;)
fuckin fag!!! now im pukin!!!