Got some laughs from me. Good job on this.
UPDATE 6/4-04
Beacuse the person in the easter eggs didnt want to be in this movie, i have now removed all the easter eggs except the first one and the one in the credits. Just so you know.
After hours and hours of work Chrono Trigger - The Fart is finally done.
I made it togheter with my cousin. We didnt think there was any good Chrono trigger movies on NG so we decided to make one. We've really put down a lot of effort in this one so vote fair, and try to find all the easter eggs. There is one in every enviorment plus one in the credits.
UPDATE 7/7 -03
YAY! My movie is daily second future! Thanks for everybody great reviews and less thanks for everybodys bad reviews.
Got some laughs from me. Good job on this.
I thought the fart wsa gonna be his special attack and kill all the soldiers, LOLOLL but this was much more subtle. Like a fine wine, really...
hey i don't have an idea why chrono entered the sonic world. XD
but this movie is so funny it made me laugh. it is so awesome!it was funny when the guards crashed and falled off the loops they were all with benny hill in the background ( well exept the church part lol
very funny i love watching it Xd!
post: lilmattben9
"Hey! I don't have a climb sprite!" XD
This is so funny! The music is only half of the awesomeness!!! I laughed when they were in the church and when one of the guards ran into the tent and crashed, all with Benny Hill in the background (well except for the church part lol)
Very funny video, I can't stop watching it XD
epic game.. i'd loved it when i was 12