Cool concept, but you didnt really perfect it.
Cool concept, but you didnt really perfect it.
it was not to bad but it got borin with the reading next time make it talk. ut still funny and i liked it.
It seems you are trying to make fun of designer clothes or the people who wear them. I have no hate for designer clothes, so whatever, but it was still pretty damn funny. You could make a series out of this.
Yeah, I agree with bokocat
I hate huge fucking logos on stuff. I refuse to wear anything with any sort of highly visable logo on it, unless it's some kind of non-clothing emblem, then it would be all right. I find that the bargain clothes at Target last longer and don't shrink like the stuff from K-Mart does...
Hahaha awesome!
You should make a website ala Maddox where you just tear apart pop-culture. It would be boss.