Heh heh heh
definantly chuckle material, not bad considering it only took a few days.
hey, new addition from www.jackedcartoons.com
Hope you enjoy this funny little shite i mixed up in a couple of days. Vote high and lets see this win an award!
be sure to visit us at:
Heh heh heh
definantly chuckle material, not bad considering it only took a few days.
Why is this rated so low? I thought it was great :) it should ATLEAST be a 3..just improve on ur graphics a lil more and I'm sure your next one will be great..and your animation is a LITTLE sketchy, but its good. Keep it up
Oh man!
The ninja got it? Not much "Ninja Action" to be honest. Cute use of music though.
A Ninjas search for BLAM
Your film was not very funny... I am sure though with alittle more work it would have been better. I like your audio and style though, just work on the graphics... the humor... and maybe a story would help.
OKay maybe a bit longer more story and alot less ideas