Was a dress up game with a computer chick?
woo... :(
And the tits were horrible!
My 1st attempt at a flash game - be gentle with me!
I used Tina because she was the only Doax character I could find a full size pic of.
Was a dress up game with a computer chick?
woo... :(
And the tits were horrible!
that was just a cheap ripoff
cheap ripoff from dead or alive xtrem beachvollyball
iff you want to dress tina up then buy the origanel game and not a cheap ripoff that looks like nothing
Wow, pretty dam cool
that was awesome, this is one of thoses dressups that look better with their clothes on, good job.
Good job, you have made DOAX better than DOA dress-up game. better clothes, Very hot American
Nice...Not bad
My advice to you is make the nipples and the clit with more color better to see, more clothes,needs sound, music and easter egg.