So sayith the Sludge Queen...
Oh my god, eyeballs being ripped from their sockets... THAT'S AWESOME!
If your a fan of Monty Python.. you'll recognise this!
So sayith the Sludge Queen...
Oh my god, eyeballs being ripped from their sockets... THAT'S AWESOME!
LMAO you asshat
I will be nice
I am sick of blamming so many movies in one 5 minute period, so I am going to give you a six so you mgiht feel better, AND NEVER COME BACK! Thanks!
Decent art.. Needs much better sound!
Cmon man i know u can find some effects instead of makin them with your mouth... heh
Not bad on the art though.
why the fuck did i bother id rather have a hemroid
this was so fucking retarted DONT WATCH IT!!!!