Kinda meaningless.
An ok movie, with alright style. The graphics weren't that good, there wasn't much sound and a lack of plot, really. Work on it, and keep at it.
reviews are nice good or leave one...please...
Kinda meaningless.
An ok movie, with alright style. The graphics weren't that good, there wasn't much sound and a lack of plot, really. Work on it, and keep at it.
Style was good...
But graphics sucked a bit...
i think the only think i liked was 'there is a spoon bitch' yeah everything after and before kinda sucks
I once made a movie about balls too. Maybe NG will make a balls collection? Lol.
Anyway, the movie was fun to watch, but the blood effects sucked balls. And I'm fucking sick to death of Matrix shit.
its okay
why dont you try some flash with some people instead of balls well good luck