there is no point to this little story monkeys throw pinaplles and a pink thing fell into the water that was pretty gay do better next time. :(
Lemon and Lamingtons walk is spoiled by those cheeky Monkies.
I'm now making another lemon flick, its cleaner but still has the line draw stlye. It shuld be done in a few days.
there is no point to this little story monkeys throw pinaplles and a pink thing fell into the water that was pretty gay do better next time. :(
((( HAHAHA )))
that was cute and funny lemmons hahaha, nice frame by frame actio, the music was kinda funny went well with the frame by frame, funny stuff keep it going...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: Lemmon action...
Dam monkeys are violent
shot bodo lol go pie love it so funny
lol shot bodo lol love it pie u hav some really werid but funny ideas lol
luff alyshia
very original
i havent seen animation like that on newgrounds, good job