DK Project tells the story of two teenager secret agents, Dott and Kave. They have the mission to destroy any bad product delivered by the entertainment industry. These guys are violent, amoral and really funny.
Visit the site to find the complete story of this secret project:
DKProject´s credits are shared by three guys Ernesto Bottger, Luis Casuso and Roxana Vasquez and we love to receive comments about our work. Hope you enjoy this animation.
Pretty Funny
Good graphics and idea, i really hate that video of that guy what ever his name is. Kinda of short you should make it longer. Didn't really like the sound loop that much either. But keep up the good work.
I Dont understand....
Ok well he managed to take off all his body parts to throw them at skaters because he was angry at his drugs
didnt i see that in a music video??
yah it was a video where they were all skating or sompthin and they rip off their flesh and rip out all their organs and r throwin them at ppl change the sound too
p.s. sucked
The graphics on this flash were good i liked that dude on the skateboard he was cool nice sound and well abit to much violence for me