Yeah,this was even better then the last one!!!Great!!!Keep making this series,they kickass!!!
Roy the banana 2 except I fixed some things, added an easter egg and it has a new ending featuring weird al
Yeah,this was even better then the last one!!!Great!!!Keep making this series,they kickass!!!
U still din sort tha sounds thing out buddy
It was an improvement, u din do anything about the sound, but the additional stuff was funny. when wierd al just backflips and shoots roy, twas real funny.
Needs work
The animation is decent, but the sounds have alot of static and fluctuate in volume.
The guitar interlude is cool, nice touch.
make sure the voices are the same degree of loudness. other than that it was amusing
Quite different
I enjoyed that. It was short and sweet. But two problems: For one, the voices were fucking low, and for two, al doesn't have a moustache anymore, but hey old school right? k thx.