It's like that one madness game but with the old man from Zelda.
I love it.
You remember the OLD MAN from the game zelda? He would give you weapons, but most of the time he would turn you down and tell you that you had to go do something else before he gave you good stuff. Didn't that piss you off? Didn't you just want to kill him?
So did I, but it wouldn't let you kill him. In fact, sometimes if you tried to hit him, the fires next to him would shoot you with fireballs.
Well, I've just created this "game" that LETS YOU KILL THE OLD BASTARD! Check it out, it's got all the original graphics and sounds from ZELDA!
It's like that one madness game but with the old man from Zelda.
I love it.
Parody of Zelda flash. Graphics are mostly all sprites from the NES classic game. Gameplay is picking which item to use on the old man. It could use more options and choices.
old times
My very Violent Childhood