Unfortunately I couldn't find out how to get them to rap, you should've included a hint somewhere on how to do it, but it was still funny seeing a bunch of old models dance around to music.
At least there wasn't any gore...
Get down with your favourite Black Mesa operatives in this musical tribute to Valve's FPS classic HALF LIFE. Made with Flash 4 and Mete Creegan's HL Model Viewer.
Unfortunately I couldn't find out how to get them to rap, you should've included a hint somewhere on how to do it, but it was still funny seeing a bunch of old models dance around to music.
At least there wasn't any gore...
Its funny
This is AWSOME
Thank you
Im gonna make a half-life youtube poop and i have found many movements that look like dances ty for showing me more =)
Good use
of HL components. Nothing too great or too poor. Good job.