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Doobie: Part 1

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This is the first part of the Doobie short films: Doobies first day at skool.

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It coulda been a bunch (and i mean a BUNCH) better. Hope you improve(ed). I mean he wakes up, Gets a blue suit thing on, Goes into school, Schools on fire and kids run out, and he comes out and smiles. I mean Wtf!? whoops spoiler.... sorry. i guess


The graphics were pretty cool, but you NEED to work on the sound. Like, ahh, it sucked like a pirate.


u balm atomic bar 5..yet this was shit..wtf?! dude dont fuckin harsh on ppls good entried when yours suck ass,..

You want to see some BLOOOOOOODDD!!!!?

Then roll around on some carpet tacks, cock-smoker. Your status is owned. That Mexica movie is your fucking daddy. I love blood and guts and little chunkies flying, guns, bombs, things that really, really hurt as much as the next guy, I really do, but there is room for something a little different on this site, and blamming it just because it doesn't sink into your mental orbit says a lot about you. Especially since this movie is the solid ground you're attacking from... right. I've seen worse, I'll grant that. Far worse. I think when this movie arrive on Newgrounds I gave it a 1 for being cute. But the audio... were you practicing fellatio on that microphone when you recorded this? And wtf is the point anyway - kid goes to school, school catches fire, kid comes out and smiles. WHY!!? What is the meaning of this bunny foo-foo ass insanity? Or was your thought process something like "Fire iz kool, heh heh heh..."

Whatever. I blammed it this time. I may come back and blam it again. And again and again and again until whatever crawled up my ass falls back out.

StickerLicker responds:

look dude-i aint gona tell you that getting moral satisfaction from paying some1 out over a stupid animation they made in 10mins is pathetic...you should already know that and one would assume youd be crying about it every night while you crawl up in bed and hug the teddy bear you have had since u were 5 and suck your thumb making wierd demented sounds. BUT, i am going to tell you that your sad pathetic fool who needs to get a life. No one cares what a failure like yourself thinks so please purchase one of the following items if you do not already aquire one
-a gun
-poison or
so that you can bless us all by deing and stop spoiling it for everyone else.

Now, go back to the HOLE you came from and for the sake of us all PLEASE - PLEASE don't show urself again...ever.

Funny as hell!!!

Fuckin hilarious, Part 2 is gonna kick ass (I hope).Good job,man.

StickerLicker responds:


Credits & Info

3.10 / 5.00

Jun 18, 2003
7:55 AM EDT