You want to see some BLOOOOOOODDD!!!!?
Then roll around on some carpet tacks, cock-smoker. Your status is owned. That Mexica movie is your fucking daddy. I love blood and guts and little chunkies flying, guns, bombs, things that really, really hurt as much as the next guy, I really do, but there is room for something a little different on this site, and blamming it just because it doesn't sink into your mental orbit says a lot about you. Especially since this movie is the solid ground you're attacking from... right. I've seen worse, I'll grant that. Far worse. I think when this movie arrive on Newgrounds I gave it a 1 for being cute. But the audio... were you practicing fellatio on that microphone when you recorded this? And wtf is the point anyway - kid goes to school, school catches fire, kid comes out and smiles. WHY!!? What is the meaning of this bunny foo-foo ass insanity? Or was your thought process something like "Fire iz kool, heh heh heh..."
Whatever. I blammed it this time. I may come back and blam it again. And again and again and again until whatever crawled up my ass falls back out.