You had a good idea man! just a bit hard to control but over all its pretty good, the difficulty makes it one of a kind and a rage game, good job.
The only way to get rid of your attackers is eating them! have some flesh!
This game was intended to be with a lot of stuff, but a lot of work came up and i eventually lost interest on it, but i tried to put it togethe into decent killer time game :) if you find any bug let me know :)
No caps!
s = switch from attacking position to moving postition and viceversa
a = jump (you have to be in your attacking position in order to jump)
to move you have to be in your moving position
arrows = move
arrows + shift = move faster
To reverse the direction of the bomb jump and try to hit them with your "tail"
You had a good idea man! just a bit hard to control but over all its pretty good, the difficulty makes it one of a kind and a rage game, good job.
So you made a game that's pretty much too difficult to play. Having to move between attacking and moving doesn't work and I can't attack characters while jumping. Then to top it off between levels 3 and 4 you have an unbeatable attacker that pretty much wrecks you. It's a fun concept but it's been done before and better. You need to make the attack and move all in one and make enemies that scale with you, not just beat you down. In it's current state this is pretty much unplayable for more than 5 minutes.
This game is boring =/
1.5/5 - Not fun.
wow this game is soooooo cool just let me actually move
An oddly satisfying, well-constructed game. The controls could be smoother, but on the whole an entertaining game. Maybe I'm twisted, but getting to be a shark on a human-eating spree is really fun.