excellent MP tribute
loved it
This movie is a tribute to "Monty Python". And the art is a tribute to "B&W Drama Theater".
Me and Sean got this idea when we were sitting around watching cartoons. We were just goofing around and pitching dumb jokes at each other, and we came up with this movie.
I don't really expect many of you to get any of this. I guess you'd just have to like pointless humor to enjoy it.
I dunno. Hopefully you will enjoy it.
excellent MP tribute
loved it
I diddnt actually see the stereo-type. He only said the word 'bloody' a few times. No more than we brits say it casually.
It was funny though. I knew exacly what was going to happen with the Spanish Inquisiton. My favorite python sketch.
Well, the stereotype warning is really there to ward off the reviewers who usually say "That's a stereotype! You stupid Americans don't know anything about British people... YAP! YAP! YAP! etc."
That was cool, I liked the style of the animation. I wish Britain was really like the stereotype, it would be the best place to live.
not great but made me laugh a bit
the jokes in it were not the best but nice try
A touch repetitive, methinks. I liked the inclusion of the Spanish Inquisition though.
The repetition was the whole joke, so we couldn't of done without it really.